Institutional Use Learning gain Network

9th UK Learning Analytics Network meeting, University of Exeter, 22nd Feb 2017

Jisc’s next UK Learning Analytics Network meeting is taking place at The University of Exeter on Wednesday 22nd Feb. Exeter is relatively advanced with its learning analytics initiative, and we’re particularly looking forward to hearing from Prof Wendy Robinson, Academic Dean for Students, and her colleagues, who will kick off the day. Booking form One of the main […]

Case Studies Institutional Use

What’s the evidence for learning analytics?

Learning analytics is a new area of activity, but is being built on top of other disciplines with a long history. Some, such as statistics, have been around for centuries; others like social network analysis are much more recent. But there is not yet much published evidence of direct impact from learning analytics on measures of student […]

Co-design Institutional Use

Exploring issues around data for Jisc’s learning analytics architecture

Warning: this is a fairly geeky post. I’ve attempted to make it understandable but feel free to stop reading now if you’re not interested in the technical details of the data behind learning analytics. It is, however, really important work – a key building block for the useful analytics on students and their learning that […]

Accessibility Ethics Legal Issues Policy

Accessibility considerations for learning analytics

Enshrined in our Code of Practice for Learning Analytics is the principle that learning analytics should be for the benefit of students. It’s important for ethical and legal reasons to ensure that students with special needs are able to benefit equally from the technologies, and are not put at a disadvantage by the collection and use of […]

Code of Practice Ethics Institutional Use Legal Issues Policy

Institutions working together to address learning analytics deployment issues

Last Friday, representatives from a number of early adopter universities came together at Jisc’s Bristol offices to work on some of the areas that need to be tackled in their institutional learning analytics projects. Jisc’s Director of Data and Analytics, Michael Webb, demonstrated a new Data Explorer tool which provides useful visualisations, enabling institutions to […]

Code of Practice Institutional Use Legal Issues Policy

Developing an institutional learning analytics policy

Institutions that are rolling out learning analytics projects will have to address a range of new and often complex issues. This is likely to mean developing an institutional policy specifically to address these issues or adapting existing policies. Jisc’s Code of Practice for Learning Analytics provides a checklist of the areas which may need to be handled […]

Case Studies Institutional Use Learning design Legal Issues Network Open learning analytics Systems

Notes and presentations from 8th UK Learning Analytics Network event at The Open University

About 100 people from across the UK turned up to Jisc’s latest learning analytics network event at the OU to share their experiences of implementing learning analytics, and to hear about some of the latest developments. Jisc colleagues, Paul Bailey, Michael Webb, Lee Baylis and Rob Wyn Jones kicked off with an update on developments […]


Beyond learning analytics: collaboration, interoperability and standards in higher education learning data

Follow live webcast: Link to presentations We are at a key point for data and analytics in higher education, but if we want to ensure that it reaches its full potential we first need to facilitate a shared ‘data space’ in which the people and organisations who are vital to its success are able […]


8th UK Learning Analytics Network Meeting, The Open University, 2nd November 2016

Jisc’s next UK Learning Analytics Network meeting is taking place at The Open University’s campus in Milton Keynes on Wednesday 2nd November.  As usual we have an action-packed agenda with presentations from experts in learning analytics and plenty of opportunity for networking with others involved in learning analytics throughout the UK.  This time we’ll hear about: The latest […]


Exploring Approaches to Attendance Tracking

Attendance tracking can gather in many ways for example door/room swipes, mobile apps or paper registers.  VLE and attendance are probably the most used data for learning analytics. There are a number of approaches being used to gather attendance data and several products on the market. We heard in previous network meetings from Gary Tindell, […]