We had another interesting research group event recently, hosted by The Open University, with around 40 participants. I introduced the session and later gave a workshop with Paul Bailey on curriculum analytics. The three institutional evaluation research projects presented on their progress, including Karl Molden and Christine Couper from Greenwich. Prof Bart Rienties and colleagues […]
Author: Niall Sclater
Niall Sclater is Consultant and Director at Sclater Digital Ltd and is currently carrying out work for Jisc in Learning Analytics.
The third meeting of Jisc’s learning analytics research group will be held at the Open University’s campus in Milton Keynes on 26th June. The aim of this group is to bring together researchers who wish to learn from and work jointly with each other to develop aspects of learning analytics to enhance learning, teaching and the […]
In a workshop at last week’s AMOSSHE conference, we discussed how wellbeing analytics might be able to assist existing Student Support services. Student support is simplest when an individual themselves asks for help: a support service can immediately begin to discuss – using toolkits such as that developed by UHI and AMOSSHE – what the […]
The second meeting of Jisc’s learning analytics research group will be held at Keele University in Staffordshire on 24th January. The aim of this group is to bring together researchers who wish to learn from and work jointly with each other to develop aspects of learning analytics to enhance learning, teaching and the student experience. We’ll […]
LA Cymru curriculum analytics workshop, 28th November 2018. Most learning analytics projects focus on improving student success, but the rich data sources increasingly available to us can also be used to gain insight into the effectiveness of the curriculum. This is a relatively unexploited area which has the potential to significantly enhance our understanding of […]
Jisc’s Learning Analytics Service went live in August 2018 and is being rolled out to institutions across the UK. We are now looking at ways to enhance the Service and to further develop the field of learning analytics collaboratively across higher and further education. We are seeking partners to co-design research aimed at building the […]
Following on from successful meetings at the Open University and the University of Edinburgh, Jisc is hosting a new group for researchers who wish to stay updated on the latest learning analytics research taking place and pursue opportunities for collaboration. This event is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union STELA Project KA3 562167-EPP-1-2015-1-BE-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD. The first […]
Universities and colleges are understandably concerned about the European General Data Protection Regulation and its impact on their processes. There is quite a lot of uncertainty about how the new legislation applies to learning analytics initiatives. We believe it is perfectly possible to carry out learning analytics in the interests of students while complying with the new […]

Our latest UK Learning Analytics Network meeting was kindly hosted by the University of Edinburgh. Sessions varied from details of the range of innovations Edinburgh is involved with, to using assessment data, to student wellbeing and mental health, to current developments with Civitas Learning’s products and Jisc’s learning analytics service. The hashtag was #jisclan if […]

Jisc’s next learning analytics network meeting is in Edinburgh on 22nd Feb 2018. These popular events comprise a range of presentations and discussion sessions – and an opportunity to network with colleagues involved in learning analytics projects at other institutions. We’ll be hearing from a range of experts in learning analytics, including presentations about Edinburgh’s work […]