Accessibility Community Data Employability Ethics Further Education and Skills Higher Education Mental Health Wellbeing

#AccelerateAction: Jisc’s International Women’s Day panel discusses breaking barriers

Today on International Women’s Day (IWD), we’re looking at a few key points from Jisc’s IWD panel session. On Tuesday 4 March, Jisc’s CEO Heidi Fraser-Krauss and executive director for transformation, Joy Palmer, alongside external speakers Andrea Quantrill, Director of Quality and High Performance, Heart of Yorkshire Education Group, and Alex Vujcich, Interim Director of […]

Community Data Digital experience insights Higher Education Wellbeing

Spotlight on the digital experience of international students: the key points that should be driving your digital transformation in 2025

Jisc has been following the experiences of international students, and how this compares or differs to that of home nation students, for a couple of years now. The 2023/24 digital experience insights surveys shed light on the current state of international students using digital technologies, and how technology limitations may affect their experiences, but what […]

Building digital capability Further Education and Skills Institutional Use Uncategorized Wellbeing

Getting started with the Digital Elevation Tool – how one practitioner approached the challenge at two different colleges

  We have heard from some of our Digital Elevation Tool (DET) community members that knowing how to get started with the tool and apply it to their own context can be a significant blocker to progress. We are lucky to have a member of the community who has rolled out the tool at two […]

Institutional Use Learning Analytics Service Wellbeing

How Checkin+ strengthened The University of Gloucestershire’s test and trace data, enhanced student support and simplified immigration reporting

Member Story: The University of Gloucestershire have added Jisc’s new attendance monitoring solution Checkin+ to their core Learning Analytics (LA) service. This combines attendance analytics with existing study data to strengthen their available evidence. They’ve been users of Jisc’s Learning Analytics service for several years – an analytics solution that measures student engagement and enables […]

Learning Analytics Processor Learning Analytics Service Learning design Learning gain Metrics Wellbeing

Using Analytics to Enhance Student Support and Improve Learning

Using Analytics to Enhance Student Support and Improve Learning Jisc Learning Analytics Research Projects Update, July 2020. Introduction: The use of analytics, data and algorithms to enhance learning is an increasingly trending topic. No more so than here in Jisc. I recently attended a learning analytics (LA) research event to see how seven Jisc-funded research […]

Curriculum analytics Institutional Use Mental Health Wellbeing

Presentations from research group event at Open University

We had another interesting research group event recently, hosted by The Open University, with around 40 participants. I introduced the session and later gave a workshop with Paul Bailey on curriculum analytics. The three institutional evaluation research projects presented on their progress, including Karl Molden and Christine Couper from Greenwich. Prof Bart Rienties and colleagues […]

Curriculum analytics Institutional Use Mental Health Wellbeing

Jisc Learning Analytics Research Group – next meeting at Open University, Milton Keynes, 26th June 2019

The third meeting of Jisc’s learning analytics research group will be held at the Open University’s campus in Milton Keynes on 26th June. The aim of this group is to bring together researchers who wish to learn from and work jointly with each other to develop aspects of learning analytics to enhance learning, teaching and the […]


My Algorithmic “Friend” – by Andrew Cormack

In a workshop at last week’s AMOSSHE conference, we discussed how wellbeing analytics might be able to assist existing Student Support services. Student support is simplest when an individual themselves asks for help: a support service can immediately begin to discuss – using toolkits such as that developed by UHI and AMOSSHE – what the […]