
University Mental Health Day: How data can improve students’ wellbeing and mental health

For University Mental Health Day, we’re discussing how data technology and student analytics could help with students’ mental health and wellbeing. University provides most students with more than academic development. It provides personal and social growth, creates long-term wellbeing foundations, and also sets the trajectory for the next stage of life.   In October, Jisc published […]


The agile college

Posted on behalf of Andrew McFadyen, senior consultant for Further Education, JiscYou may have heard of agile working, although many of us may not use it in our working day. In this new guide, Andrew shows how Jisc’s digital elevation tool can help your college work in an agile manner. Agile methodologies and scrum processes […]

Building digital capability Further Education and Skills Institutional Use Uncategorized Wellbeing

Getting started with the Digital Elevation Tool – how one practitioner approached the challenge at two different colleges

  We have heard from some of our Digital Elevation Tool (DET) community members that knowing how to get started with the tool and apply it to their own context can be a significant blocker to progress. We are lucky to have a member of the community who has rolled out the tool at two […]

Co-design Uncategorized

Be a part of our next product co-design for the sector

Senior data and visualisation developer, Eleanor Jarvis calls for participants to help us with our next product co-design for the higher education sector. My colleague, Rhodri Rowlands, and I, are using co-design at Jisc to collaborate with the higher education (HE) sector on developing new business intelligence (BI) for delivery through Heidi Plus. We are […]

Building digital capability Uncategorized

The Discovery tool – elevating students’ digital skills to the next level

Digital skills have always been in high demand and with much of life embedded in digital technology, being able to use basic apps and software is no longer a ‘nice to have’, but a necessity.  Spearheaded by the pandemic, most universities and colleges have transformed the way they teach and deliver courses. Virtual classrooms and […]

Building digital capability Institutional Use Trends Uncategorized

Supporting digital fluency with the new and enhanced discovery tool

There is a continuous debate in both the education and commercial sectors on how we can support users in developing digital capability. As we continue to grow in an ever evolving digital world, being able to identify our own digital capabilities and continually develop them is becoming increasingly important. Having spent over 19 years working […]

Employability Institutional Use Trends Uncategorized

The 5 most popular higher education topics that Jisc provided tailored data on in 2021/22

Jisc data analytics has an immensely popular tailored datasets service where customers can request specific extracts of higher education data. Our analysts look at each request and see how we can use the most relevant data to answer their question. We then extract and send the agreed data in the customers preferred format. Over the […]

Institutional Use Trends Uncategorized

New finance trends dashboards for Heidi Plus allows users to easily compare financial data over time and build custom benchmark groups

Jisc data analytics has released two new suites of finance trends dashboards in Heidi Plus for subscribers to benchmark themselves and compare key financial data over time (including income, expenditure and research income data). This follows feedback from the user community that the existing finance data was difficult to compare year on year due to […]

Digital experience insights Uncategorized

Learning continued despite challenging times during COVID-19

At a time when learning was disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic, our 2020/21 student digital experience insights survey findings highlight many positives and examples of good practice to build on for the future as well as some areas of concern. A record number of 62,658 students from further education (FE) and higher education (HE) across […]


Maximising diversity in campus and graduate recruitment with the support of HE data

Diversity in the workplace is becoming of increasing importance and many organisations are rethinking how they go about recruiting with diversity at the front of their minds. Diverse workplaces bring new perspectives which lead to more collaborative approaches, productive employees, greater innovation and increased performance.   We caught up with one of our customers who’ve been analysing higher education data […]