From the outset of the Jisc Learning Analytics project we were aware that institutions were likely to have requirements that went beyond what Jisc could offer. With this in mind we developed an architecture and service structure so that complementary services from other suppliers could easily be added on top of the services provided by […]
Category: Learning Analytics Service

Aston University kindly hosted our latest learning analytics network event last week in central Birmingham. This one involved fewer presentations and more group work, which seemed to work well. The workshop part was focussed on developing strategies for carrying out interventions. Paul Bailey updated the group first of all on how the Jisc effective learning […]
The Jisc Learning Analytics Service Agreement is available to download and we would like to thank everyone who provided feedback and comments. Here is a version showing the changes that have been made to the agreement. Learning Analytics Service Agreement_Consultation-Final_Compared Existing (pathfinder) institutions have already been contacted regarding the process for signing the new agreement. […]
The 11th UK Learning Analytics Network meeting is being hosted by Aston University in central Birmingham on Tuesday 5th September 2017. Booking form The room lends itself to working in small groups so we thought we’d have fewer presentations and a bit more hands-on activity this time. Paul and I will then be facilitating a cut-down […]
The consultation is now complete. The outcomes of the consultation are now available in a new blog post. See Learning analytics-service-agreement-final ———————————————————————————————————————- The new service agreement for the Learning Analytics Service is available above and we would like to invite you to review the agreement and provide feedback. This agreement will replace the existing Data […]