Co-design Higher Education Institutional Use Metrics Staff Dashboard

5 reasons why you should join our next Interactive Insights demo

Through our Interactive Insights, we’ve developed three advanced data dashboards, designed to support institutions with harnessing key data to support their research, benchmarking and strategy planning. These tools empower institutions to analyse and act on insights related to graduate outcomes, staff intersectionality and student progression from undergraduate to postgraduate studies. To showcase the full potential […]

Co-design Community

Improving internal reporting and changing conversations with Discover Graduate Outcomes

In today’s rapidly changing education landscape, universities are increasingly relying on data-driven insights to influence their strategies and planning. With this in mind, having platforms like Discover Graduate Outcomes (DGO) offers a wealth of information to institutions looking to understand the complexities of graduate outcomes and employment trends.   DGO equips institutions with a comprehensive data […]

Co-design Uncategorized

Be a part of our next product co-design for the sector

Senior data and visualisation developer, Eleanor Jarvis calls for participants to help us with our next product co-design for the higher education sector. My colleague, Rhodri Rowlands, and I, are using co-design at Jisc to collaborate with the higher education (HE) sector on developing new business intelligence (BI) for delivery through Heidi Plus. We are […]

Case Studies Co-design Institutional Use Trends

Transforming the future of business schools with Heidi Plus data

Ramin Bokaian, Research Manager at the Chartered Association of Business Schools explains how Heidi Plus data is being used to transform the future of its members. The Chartered Association of Business Schools is a membership organisation which represents over 120 business schools in the HE (higher education) sector. We run regular events, member CPD (continuing […]

Case Studies Co-design Discovery Stage Learning Analytics Service Uncategorized

How Leeds Trinity improved student progression and retention with a common goal

Leeds Trinity may be a small university but it’s incredibly student focused with a clear mission to ensure all students feel part of a distinctively supportive community. In 2019 as Head of student engagement and communications, I helped to significantly improve the organisational efficiencies to increase student support and take a more proactive approach to […]

Co-design Learning Analytics Service Network Uncategorized

Key takeaways from our 20th learning analytics network event 

The 20th learning analytics network event held online on 21 April 2021 brought together expert speakers from across the community to discuss the benefits of learning analytics (LA), importance of collaboration, the challenges of online learning and to explore future digital opportunities. We also took a look at the world of artificial intelligence (AI) in the cloud.  Key takeaways from the speaker sessions:  Learning analytics research and development at The University of Oslo, Norway, Jan Arild Dolonen   Over the last 10 years there has […]

Case Studies Co-design Institutional Use

Jisc is supporting projects to develop learning analytics research

Jisc’s Learning Analytics Service went live in August 2018 and is being rolled out to institutions across the UK. We are now looking at ways to enhance the Service and to further develop the field of learning analytics collaboratively across higher and further education. We are seeking partners to co-design research aimed at building the […]

Co-design Data Explorer Institutional Use Legal Issues Metrics Policy Systems

Second pathfinder meeting: addressing common institutional challenges

At our recent pathfinder meeting, a number of institutions involved in implementing Jisc’s learning analytics architecture came together to work on issues of common concern. This followed a get together in Bristol last December where we looked at institutional culture, ethical & legal issues and data. Participants from the different universities present discussed a different range […]

Co-design Institutional Use

Exploring issues around data for Jisc’s learning analytics architecture

Warning: this is a fairly geeky post. I’ve attempted to make it understandable but feel free to stop reading now if you’re not interested in the technical details of the data behind learning analytics. It is, however, really important work – a key building block for the useful analytics on students and their learning that […]

Co-design Ethics Systems

A student app for learning analytics

Many applications for learning analytics have been proposed, are under development or are already being deployed by institutions.  These range from prompting staff to intervene with students at risk of drop-out to attempting to understand whether some learning content or activity is effective. Much of this is about providing better information to staff about students and […]