Metrics Systems

Tribal Student Insight: an interview with Chris Ballard

When I blogged about learning analytics systems being developed by vendors of student information systems (SISs) I mentioned Tribal’s emerging system, Student Insight, which it’s been developing with the University of Wolverhampton. Tribal’s SITS:Vision product is used by over half of UK higher education institutions.  Meanwhile the company’s ebs4 SIS (or MIS as it’s known […]


Learning analytics using business intelligence systems

In previous posts I’ve looked at the emerging tools for monitoring user engagement, and adding more sophisticated engagement metrics. I’ve also examined the learning analytics systems being offered by vendors of virtual learning environments (learning management systems) and student information systems.  VLEs and SISs are the places where most data about students and their learning […]

Metrics Systems

Using your student information system as the basis for learning analytics

While VLE vendors would like their systems to be at the heart of an institution’s learning analytics efforts, vendors of student information systems (SISs) are now attempting to place their products in the analytics driving seat.  The SIS (also known as the student record system) is a vital product for any educational institution. It includes data […]

Metrics Systems

Analytics systems centred around the VLE/LMS

Vendors are rapidly developing products for analysing learners and their activities.  There’s a battle going on between the companies whose primary product is the VLE, those which sell student information systems (SISs) and those who have developed business intelligence systems for industry in general but are now targetting the education sector as a key market. […]

Metrics Systems

More sophisticated learner engagement metrics – and doing something with them

I’ve described some of the basic reporting functionality available for Moodle and Blackboard but this is just scratching the surface of what is possible with learning analytics.  In this post I’ll look at ways in which analytics from other data sources such as video and ebooks are being brought into the VLE to help gain […]

Metrics Systems

Engagement reporting tools for Blackboard and Moodle

In my last post I described four types of learning analytics products.  Here I’ll go into more detail around some of the VLE-based engagement reporting tools. These products for Blackboard and Moodle sit within the virtual learning environment (VLE/LMS), look at its data only, and provide simple indications of a student’s progress, raising flags when […]


Learning analytics: what types of product are available?

Every educational institution wants its learners to reach their full potential.  Learning analytics can help us to measure and predict student success using data relating to engagement, grades, retention, graduation and employability.  But what products are out there to enable institutions to improve on the indicators of success, and to help visualise and analyse the […]

Code of Practice Ethics Legal Issues

Code of practice “essential” for learning analytics

We had a lively session on ethics and legal issues at the Jisc Effective Learning Analytics workshop last week, kicking it off by outlining some of the key questions in this area: Who should have access to data about students’ online activities? Are there any circumstances when collecting data about students is unacceptable/undesirable? Should students be […]


Taking Learning Analytics to the next stage

How do higher and further education institutions in the UK best share their expertise in learning analytics?  Would a jointly developed code of practice for learning analytics help deal with the legal and ethical issues?  How can Jisc facilitate the development of tools and dashboards to help institutions develop their analytics capabilities to enhance student […]



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