Building digital capability Employability

New employability question set for building digital capabilities

We are pleased to announce that on 28 May 2024, we released a brand new question set on in the Discovery tool as part of the building digital capabilities service. These questions and the accompanying resource bank are designed to support students developing and using their digital skills for future employment.

‘Recognising digital skills for employability’ is part of the suite of self assessment surveys supporting students digital skills and compliments the ‘AI and digital skills’ question set we released in March 2024.

This work package has been developed by the digital capabilities team and supported by Matt Puddy, Senior product owner, Student Services, and Dr Charlie Ball, Head of labour market intelligence. With special thanks to our content curation manager, Louise Price,  who worked hard to ensure we delivered this on time.

We are indebted to the support from internal colleagues within Jisc and to those of you who supported us as critical friends from both FE and the HE sectors. We hope this new resources will help support the work you already undertake in helping to get students digitally ready for future employment.

Building digital capability – Jisc

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